Couple therapy.

I offer counseling and therapy for couples who are currently in a difficult situation and have not yet found a common way to deal with it. The sessions can be of a short-term, consultative nature, for example, to develop new perspectives, rules, or strategies. Or the longer-term character of a therapy, in which the individual character of both partners, but also the character of the relationship itself is taken up on a deeper level in order to achieve a deeper understanding and subsequently a significant change in the dynamics of the relationship and to work through recurring problems. Which of the two forms is applicable in each case is determined at the beginning in a first clarifying conversation in which your concern, problem, and goal are discussed and you can get to know me and get a picture

The issues and problems can be as varied and individual as any relationship itself. Possible topics range from coping with a difficult or life-changing situation, ongoing arguments, and conflicts, sexual problems, jealousy, (unfulfilled) desire for children, etc. to planning and dealing with a separation. A functioning relationship always means a permanent willingness to do and invest something for it. Within a couple's therapy, this takes place in an intensive form, when this has usually been neglected in the previous time. Both partners are given space to be seen and understood from their own individual point of view and to transfer these two points of view to mutual cooperation and to work out if and how they are compatible. Each person is fundamentally different, therefore establishing a community always means a process of adaptation and change. Whoever enters a couple therapy proves the courage and willingness to consciously engage with this process. Both partners learn something about themselves, which they can then use for their relationship with the other in order to make it more fulfilling and harmonious. As a couples therapist, I am happy to stand by your side during this process and support you. Feel free to contact me to arrange a first meeting.

The number and rhythm of the couple therapy sessions can be determined according to individual wishes and needs. These can take place weekly, in a 14-day rhythm, or monthly. The scope is usually between 4-15 sessions. The costs are 130€ per session (90 minutes).